Leadership and Sustainable Developmental Africa: Lessons from Traditional Yoruba Society

  • Balogun, O.A
Keywords: Leadership, Sustainable development, Africa, Traditional Yoruba


Africa has been permeated with high level poverty, hunger, sicknesses, low literacy education, gender inequalities and insecurity making her be classified as underdeveloped. The paper postulates that effective leadership is critical to attaining sustainable development in Africa. In order to end poverty, sicknesses and neglect of environments in the 21st Century Africa, there is need to reengineer the concept of leadership to foster development in Africa. The fundamental principles of effective leadership as practiced by traditional Yoruba society would be critical to African leaders. Commitment to societal goals, equitable distribution of wealth and sustainable management of resources and the environment, are critical to sustainable development. In addition, there is need to undertake the oath of performance and covenant of commitment that binds the leader to the society as demonstrated in traditional Yoruba society. The methodology adopted is analytical and critical exploring conceptual analysis in discussing the myriads problems facing Africa and how sustainable development goals can be used to combat these problems. There is need to adopt the fundamental principles of effective leadership as practiced in traditional Yoruba societies.

How to Cite
O.A , B. (2022). Leadership and Sustainable Developmental Africa: Lessons from Traditional Yoruba Society. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND INDUSTRY (AJOBEI), 3(1), 5-14. Retrieved from http://journal.kyu.ac.ke/index.php/library/article/view/114