The Effect of Management Development Practices on Service Delivery in Higher Education Institutions: Literature Review

  • Onsongo, E.N
Keywords: Management development practices, mentorship, employees’ performance, higher education institution


In tandem with the global changes, education institutions strive to gain competitive advantage from the human resources who are the only source of differentiation and sustainable advantage for organizations. Employee development increases performance based on global changes that are rendering obsolete some of the original professional skills and knowledge. The purpose of this paper was to review literature on the management development practices especially coaching, mentoring, supervision and role playing from various studies. From the literature reviewed, the study established that management development is critical to performance of employee and recommends a further research on the role of management development on service delivery in higher institutions of leaning in Kenya.

How to Cite
E.N, O. (2022). The Effect of Management Development Practices on Service Delivery in Higher Education Institutions: Literature Review . AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND INDUSTRY (AJOBEI), 3(1), 69-83. Retrieved from