Effect of Human Resource Practices on Organizational Citizenship Behavior Development

  • Njoroge, D.I, Butali, P
Keywords: Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Performance Management, Reward Management.


The importance of organizational citizenship behaviour cannot be over emphasized. Thus, the development of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is critical in giving an organization competitive advantage. This study was aimed at establishing the impact of HR practices on the development of OCB. The study was carried out in two organizations namely: Delmonte Kenya Ltd. and Nampak Kenya Ltd. A sample of 243 respondents was included in the study.  The study adopted descriptive research design. There was a significant positive correlation between performance management, reward management and OCB. OCB was found to explain 31.6% of the variation in performance management and reward management.

How to Cite
Butali, P, N. D. (2022). Effect of Human Resource Practices on Organizational Citizenship Behavior Development. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND INDUSTRY (AJOBEI), 3(1), 84-92. Retrieved from http://journal.kyu.ac.ke/index.php/library/article/view/122