Social Media: A Knowledge Sharing Strategy at Kirinyaga University Library
Social media platforms have transformed into tools that allow for interactive participation. These tools that have changed methods of communication include YouTube, My Space, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Many organizations have adopted various types of social media platforms as a means of sharing knowledge among its stakeholders. Several organizations in their vision to competitive and productive are adopting strategies of communication that enable both external and internal partnership. The emerging opportunities are provided by social media when knowledge is shared through them, enabling effective and efficient dissemination of knowledge by members of that organization. Academic libraries being among organizations influenced by technology and technological changes, have not been left behind. Academic libraries have in the 21st century adopted social media platforms as a means of sharing knowledge with its clientele. This paper investigated social media as a knowledge sharing strategy that has been adopted by Kirinyaga University library, identified specific social media platforms that were used in sharing knowledge, benefits of social media platforms in knowledge sharing, and challenges faced in sharing knowledge. Descriptive research design was adopted. The study targeted students and library staff resulting in a sample of 169. Data was collected using questionnaires. The study found that the participants were using Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp to share library related knowledge. Social media was quicker in sharing information, convenient and faster. Some of the challenges they faced in sharing knowledge using social media were poor connectivity and low bandwidth. The study concluded that use of social media was a strategy academic libraries could use in sharing knowledge. The study recommends that academic libraries explore additional emerging and popular social media platforms that appeal to the users and offer more opportunities for sharing knowledge