African Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering (AJSTE) is an academic multidisciplinary peer-reviewed yearly publication that seeks to publish original, innovative research and academic scholarship that contributes to the growth of knowledge in Science, Technology and Engineering and related fields. Her key audiences are: Scientists in academia and industry, researchers, students, government agencies/policymakers and citizens with a passion for “STEM”.This third edition is aligned with the newest research, interspersed with contemporary concerns and latest global transposition in Science, Technology and Engineering. It carries original and full-length articles that reflect the latest research and developments in both theoretical and practical aspects of global science. It promotes research awareness and compatibility platform through a concise and methodical interface to cater for all categories of scholars in science, while encouraging innovativeness and quality research work.
The topical issues in this Journal include : Application of aquacrop model yield optimization or prediction of optimal sowing dates under alternative soil moisture regimes in Laikipia, Kenya; influence of anthropogenic activities on Nyangongo wetland ecosystem in Nyaribari Chache Sub-County, Kisii County, Kenya; use of ICT in the classroom: The teacher and learner; optical and electrical characterization of tin sulfide; factors influencing utilization of library e-resources in academic delivery: the case of Multimedia University of Kenya.
The Journal is both in print and online versions.